PART 5 - Viral Marketing

What is Viral Marketing?

Well, it is the same principle as Article Marketing, except that it builds more brand recognition and is much more dynamic.

Some authors write eBooks just as a way to spread their Affiliate links alone. Some even pay a team of ghost-writers to crank out a bunch of eBooks for them to do just that, on a larger scale!

While other authors write eBooks to drive targeted traffic to where they want it to go, which is exactly what we do for you.

There are numerous ways you can use your eBook as follows:

Add products to your eBook and offer a discount off the first order, or free gift, send the eBook to all your Media Networks by posting download links and send by email to all our contacts. You can even place classified ads offering the discount once they have downloaded the book.

One of the most common use of eBooks nowadays and one that still works wonderfully for most niches is offering a free eBook in exchange for your visitor’s email address. Like eBay, it’s a great source of targeted traffic. That’s it - you basically just bribe people to get on your list. We can provide you with eBooks for this purpose to give away.

There’s nothing wrong with this tactic, it works. It’s not like you’re misleading anyone, either. Most of them came to your site to find more information, and probably would have signed up for your newsletter anyway just to find what they were looking for.

Writing articles about your topic of interest and sending them out to article directories, other websites, and eZines to publish is an almost ideal way to gain free advertising. I really
can’t recommend it enough for long-term link building campaigns.

We produce an eBook about your Business, using some of the information Market Sector, giving Facts, Figures and latest News, we include links in the eBook using certain keywords which when clicked will bring the reader directly to your site or whever you want them to go

Viral Marketing is not only a great way to drive instant traffic to your website but also to build a lot of backlinks.