PART 3 – Doorways

We use open doorways to interact with customers, Blogs are an example, an opening for your customers and members of your Social Media Network to interact with you, send you messages and comments, and also a place for you to post news, articles and lots more as you will see.

We setup a Blog at which is owned by Google, we setup a Google+ page, both containing all your information with links to your website.

These are great tool and acts as a duplicate website, the advantage is that through comments you can interact with your followers and customers, through comments, chat, hang outs, video conferencing and more.

All of the posts you make on your blog are automatically sent to your Google+ page and everybody in your circles, so if you want to launch a new product or get some news out fast then this a great way of spreading the news and driving instant traffic.

Ever since Google bought, Googlebot has paid a lot of attention to what’s happening in “the Blogosphere.” Search engines still love to spider Blog content more often than other types of websites, since blogs were invented to be easy for SE Spiders to traverse in the first place.

A unique feature of even the free blogs like blogger, is that we set them up to automatically “ping” certain Search Engines and certain social bookmarking sites to request that the spider comes out for another visit every time new content is added, so the more posts you make, means more instant traffic.

You can add videos, links to products, you can also find communities to join and promote your products or services too and this is another great way to drive instant traffic.